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4 of the Best Tips to Create Innovative Events

Do you want the best tips to create innovative events? We’ll share them with you and more. 

You can create unique event ideas by making small, simple improvements to your events that thrill your guests endlessly.

We’ve shared four tips in this article which we believe will inspire you to create innovative events.

Discover the best tips to create innovative events 

#1. Be a dreamer to create unique event ideas

Having a plan for everything you do is the surest way to succeed. 

Knowing where you’re going is more significant than knowing how to get there.

To create innovative events, first picture your ideal event.

Imagine the experience you want to deliver.

Visualize the perfect venue, music, decor, and food. 

Don’t hold back, be audacious in your dreaming.

Then once you have the dream figured out, FOCUS on how to deliver it through all necessary and viable means.

TIP: Meditation is an excellent way to get your creative juices running. Let your imagination run wild and dream up a storm.

#2. Stay informed

Information is power, and the best part is that there’s plenty of good information out there for free.

Research event trends, new products, new ideas, and leaders in your industry, locally and abroad.

By staying informed on what’s happening, you’ll know what’s possible, what needs adjusting and how to activate yourself.

TIP: Be a voracious reader and critical thinker –browse credible news sites for authentic information on innovation and new ideas. 

#3. Think different

So, you want to fly in a popular artiste for your corporate gig.

The event theme is on point –there are plans to have a fireworks display, a helicopter flypast with a big banner emblazoned with your brand name –THE WORKS!!

And then, DISASTER!!! The artiste can’t make it for one reason or the other.


Figure out another plan. Yeah, think of a new way to make it happen.

In the early days of the pandemic, Nyashinski, a popular Kenyan artiste, launched his latest album by #live streaming a gig on his social networks (to much acclaim).

You can do it, so get to it!

TIP: Up your skills game. Research exciting (free) online courses to increase your mastery of emerging new technologies and innovations that can help you achieve your dreams.

#4. Be passionate and believe

Passion is GRIT, and to survive a crisis (or life), you need tons and tons of grit.

Start by deeply understanding what stokes your fires, what you love endlessly, and what keeps you going. Because you’ll never achieve anything if you don’t believe you can.

As Steve Jobs said, ‘Never settle.’ Just keep going until you achieve your dream.

Be your best and worst critic, and soon enough, everyone will rally behind you.

TIP: Get a journal to document your experiences. Then read it and re-read it. You’ll soon realize you’re your best inspiration.

Frequently asked questions

1. How can I make an event more interesting?

You can make your event more interesting by including exciting elements to captivate your audience or guests. This could be a change in the regular program or format especially for business meetings and conferences and a surprise popular act for birthdays and weddings.

2. What makes an event successful?

An event is successful if well planned with an appropriate budget. Planning includes selecting a suitable venue, carefully selecting all the elements and suppliers, having an event checklist of how things will flow from start to end plus proper management of the event budget.

Have you mastered these tips to create innovative events? 

As long as you practice and implement you’ll become a pro at creating innovative events.

Remember to stay innovative, you need to: Have a dream, stay informed, think different, be passionate, and believe.

We’re event planners in Nairobi ready to help you create innovative successful gigs in Kenya.

Reach us on 0721 771185 or email: [email protected]